Friday, May 1, 2009

Gotta go baby!

Today I went back to work. It was actually a pretty good day but I am tired now. This morning I got up made a yummy breakfast- Banana pancakes, scrambled eggs and fried sausage.yummy! Then I just spent the rest of the morning tending Denny while he played for a bit and doing my routine Mommy duties. He is such a good boy! I gave him his bath and feed him and then he took a nap. A long nap--halleujah!!! That was my que to get ready for work. When I was done, I wrote a note to my Hubby just leaving some instructions for Denny. ( such as giving Denny the breastmilk in storage etc.) My Hubby was taking baby shift while I went to work and he was getting off. (so it worked out pretty well) I will admit, I was a bit worried about Denny still not taking a bottle. I knew he would cry murder before taking that bottle.

We purchased so many different bottles. Almost Hopeless.. The only bottle we found he has given some effort to is the "Adiri" bottle. The nipple is a lot more shorter and shaped like an actual nipple from a mother's breast. This kid is one smart cookie-- ya can't fool him!

So at about 2:45pm I kissed Denny goodbye and I left for work. Luckily, my Mom watched him till my hubby arrived so that kept me at ease. I walked to work, and boy did that feel like a workout..ouch. (tells me I'm outta shape..hehe ) To make a long story short, the day was very smooth. The only thing out of the ordinary was that my breasts became so engorged with milk that it was painful. I had to find somewhere private to express them and that I did. At that point, I was missing Denny even more and couldn't wait to get home to see him. Before I knew it... I was headed home at about 8:45 pm.

When we pulled up in the garage quickly got out and headed straight for the bedroom to see how my hubby held the fort. Well there they were my two men, calm as a cucumber. There Denny was lying on his shoulder, out like a light! Beautiful sight to see! My hubby seemed to be self-assured. I was so proud! I went over to my hubby, kissed both of them and took Denny out of his arms. I was so happy to see him! Denny was a half-awake so I immediatley fed him because I was full again. (he surely was hungry) According to my hubby, after lots of crying Denny did take some of the milk from the bottle which surprised me. I guess he saw no other choice than to take it. I also read somewhere that baby's can sense/smell their mother's from 20 feet away. In that case, sometimes you might get more success if someone else offers the bottle. I guess that is the scenario here!!

Well it is way past midnight..
Until next time...

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