Monday, May 17, 2010

Ready to diet?!?!

Is this phrase an interrogative or an exclamatory statement! This phrase can register both ways to me but it often feels like it has a negative connotation. Let me elaborate a bit. The Question.. meaning are you really ready to make a change in the way you eat and lose those unwanted pounds? Statement meaning ..I'm excited, pumped and ready to do what needs to be done to get rid of this weight. This is what actually registers in my brain .."Are you ready to DIE-YET? Drop the e-y and it spells D-I-E-T.. LOL... Seriously! All I do is cringe when I think about the pain of exercising and the tiny meal portions. UGH! There is a rotten stigma behind dieting and recent studies have shown that it doesn't work. Forbidden fruit is always more tempting! I believe that to be true because to lose weight is really in part mental energy and the minute you tell yourself that you are going on a diet ...your body automatically goes on strike! I'm not that naive and I now that a "diet" doesn't actually mean starving yourself and that exercising is actually very relaxing once you make an effort to stay motivated but it is just sooo difficult.

I have been battling my weight from day one and it has created a paranoia against weight gain with lots of thanks to family and friends who keep me aware on a regular basis. (mhmm.. calling no names!) I messed up my scale by killing off the suggested life span weighing in 2-3 times a day... lol! Oh yes.. and I can't forget the media that has brainwashed me to believe that some bodies are so perfect. Which is partly true because some people have been blessed with good genes but poor, unfortunate me at a mere 5 foot 5 inches tall has "Miss Short n' Stubby" waiting for me right down my alley and that's one encounter I don't want or need. lol.. Those magazines are so convincing and only a fool who didn't know better wouldn't know they were retouched...I'm still a bit of a fool though because I have bought so many magazines with a claim to a quick slim dame. Crazy thing is I know what works but the idea of a quick fix is so much more appealing. I'm pretty gullible at times and I would try almost any diet fad... I even tried the "Master Cleanse" for 11 days and dropped a few pounds.. that was food for 11 days replaced with a lemon water, cayenne pepper- liquid solution.. I don't know yet how I did that while working full-time at a restaurant. My cousin's ex husband saw me after it and said " You butt look likes it went on vacation!" lol .. I even tried Weight Watchers which was good but just hard to keep up the points thingy and measuring is a pain. I could tell you about more but you just might think I'm Honestly sometimes I think if I were one of those silly celebs, I might even go to the extreme and get some type of cosmetic surgery. Honestly!I know deep down these problems are born of insecurities and self -esteem issues which are definitely present here. It takes a lot of guts to admit that but I did... what a relief.!

For quite sometime I've been in an emotional rut especially this past week....Inside me there is a hole that seemingly has no bottom. At work I've become an unwise snackeroo(emotional eating) and it is definitely a sabotage to my plan to lose these last 25-30 lbs. I'm tickled to think..Why couldn't I be just the know? Those people who don't eat when they are stressed and then they drop a bunch of Nursing Denny has been a plus and minus. Plus+ because of the bonding and my little milk vampire has aided me a lot in my post baby weight loss. Thanks Denny! Without this I might have been a "Rollie-Pollie ! Minus- because so badly I want to try the hCG diet but I can't while I'm still nursing. I've read some positive reviews but I'm still a bit skeptical but willing to take the risk only because a few months back before all the recent hype, I read the "As seen on tv" book by Kevin Trudeau..called "THE WEIGHT LOSS CURE.."They" don't want you to know about.." (my bro..gave me the book to read) I loved the book and it was so informative with the basis of his study which was.... hCG in the form of injections. I was convinced to try but when I realized how expensive and demanding it was to follow, I concluded this was not a poor man diet and was not for me. So I put on the brakes to that idea but then just recently I saw the link on another blog about the hCG diet and I decided to check that out...Turns out someone clever jumped on the idea and made an affordable hCG oral drops alternative to the injections. ( I would have hated needles anyway) So here it is now .. a light bulb came on in my head..and I'm about ready to go Gung -Ho into this. but like I said the nursing thing..yeah! So that is on hold at the moment ..I've tried weaning Denny to no avail. Although, I do work more regularly now and his feeding are not as frequent but the minute I step through the door from work, Denny mauls me for it and seeing that precious face along with his polite manners "MAMA..please?" How could I not give in? He is worth the sacrifice... For the moment!lol I know he will stop eventually and the minute he does..I'm goes full speed to hCG!

Most importantly, I know that dieting is about changing your lifestyle into making making wiser choices, exercising for health and well-being. Denny isn't much of a picky eater and that is why even now as his mother I want to encourage him to eat more healthy and not get him hooked on fast food. I know that this bad habit is one of the many reasons why so many young children and adults are obese. If the Lords will it, I really want to be around to watch my son grow up and hopefully teach his children the same health guidelines. So for I not going to DIE-YET..OR DIET ..I'm just going to make better choices for myself and my family... Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Joys of Motherhood!


This is the reason why I look forward to coming home. Who could resist this face?

There really is no greater calling than that of being a "Mother in Zion." Motherhood is something I treasure in my heart and there is nothing that could compare to it! There is such a sense of fulfillment and purpose that comes with the responsibility of caring for another life. A life so precious that was created just for you! Wow! Knowing this makes me feel so blessed! There are so many great examples of Mothers worldwide...Mothers who try to give there 11o percent to the rearing of their children and these examples only make me want to work harder at cultivating a better relationship with my child and future children. The Lord knew exactly what he was doing when he gave mother's the primary responsibility of rearing their children because there is something so unique and so indescribable about a "mother's love" that no male could understand. The day Denison was born it was like falling in love all over again except it was a different kind of love. I felt an overwhelming love that was unlike anything I have ever felt before and since then it has multiplied by leaps and bounds. I can't think of anything I'd rather do than right now but to smother my son with hugs and kisses. His existence is definitive of a greater love from my Heavenly Father. Being a mother is a heavenly errand and I am honored and forever thankful to my Heavenly Father for choosing me to be Denny's Mother..
Mama Loves you Denny!
Mother's Day 2010

Gifts and cards I received today
Card from Hubby
2 Cards from Denny
Card and
Halle Berry fragrance and bag from my Sister
This may be pathetic but.. I bought a card on behalf of Denny because it was so cute and I knew if he was capable of getting it on his own he would get me this one! lol besides that he made a scribble card for me in primary.(something for my collection)

When I think about Mother's, I think about my Mom. The Mother I am today is in part
because of her great example. My Mother is a trophy Mom! All that she is and does is for the benefit of her children and those in need. She wears her heart on her sleeve and she would give you her last if she knew that it would make you happy. She is always willing to listen and I treasure the relationship I have with her. As I revert back to childhood memories, I remember how it was so easy to talk to her about what was going on in my life. Throughout my life she always graced me with her wisdom and strong morals and those I credit to many wise decisions I've made and talents I've developed. Not only a great Mother to me but a great grandmother to Denison..My siblings and I are truly blessed to have her in our lives! What more could I ask for? I wouldn't trade her for a thing! I love you Mummy! You are awesome! Happy Mother's Day!!

A Mother's work is never done!

I also want to acknowledge my other mother (Mother-in -law) who is worthy of such honor. She raised 3 children and gave me She spoils Denison whenever she gets the chance and from Day 1 she has always made me feel like her own daughter. I knew she was special when she would wake Walter up (if I called) just to talk to me (during our dating years). I do appreciate her and the time she gives to us. Love You!

There are so many Mother's I want to give honor and praise to
who in someway whether directly or indirectly
have touched or influenced my life or the life of those I love.
I'm most afraid to list any names because I don't want to offend anyone.

So to you special people I say:

The #1 rule
You are a precious jewel
One of a kind
Heart, soul and mind
Your beauty is so hard to find
You give your all
At our beck and call
What you do we can't forget
Lessons taught we don't regret
Unlock me
You are the key
You are like no other
A true, special,wonderful Mother

Thank you and I love you!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


There really is no better word to describe today! Today has its peaks and squeaks so to you read you'll be sure to tell the difference.

I took Denny to the clinic to get his 15 month booster shot. It wasn't till yesterday that Walter and I realized that I missed Denny's appointment for immunization which was for April 22nd and I had to reschedule it for today. I did my routine of getting Denny fed and cleaned up before we headed out. Denny seemed like he wasn't hungry at that point. Here is where it all began ...Luckily for us the clinic was just a few blocks away and within walking distance. So I decided to walk to the clinic and push Denny in his stroller. On the way I stopped for some breakfast for Denny and I because I knew that it would be a long wait at the clinic. When we arrived, followed the same procedure of weighing in and so on. When It was time to undress Denny and get weighed in,he threw a fit and had the clinic for himself...He let out a shriek to the top of his lungs and the way he cried you were sure to think someone had harmed him.. I was so embarrassed but I could understand that at his age he has what most toddlers have.."Separation anxiety." "Mommy to the rescue!!"not!...I could only try to comfort him and tell him it was alright and that"Mama is here"..meanwhile I would shrug and smile at the nurse and the many other patients with their babies, who stared at me like questionably like "What the Hill billy is wrong with your kid? At least that was what the awkward stares looked like to me.(Of course I'm no mind-reader) The nurse poked fun at Denny saying...Oh... he is miserable and she couldn't marry him!! I laughed it off and in his defense..(which I feel is responsible for his goodness he is a baby) I explained that he was cranky, hungry and in an off mood. Why should I explain anyway right? He isn't the first kid to scream at a clinic...That doesn't make him a bad kid? He just point blank doesn't jump in strangers hand..which is good! The nurse also said with his lungs I need to put him in a choir....Well what do ya know!! That must be a trait from his Mama :) Truly, Denny even as a newborn ..when he cried..everyone around would think Someone was killing him..I remember .. a time we went to Walmart ..he was just a few weeks old and he was a lil gassy and the way he cried..."Evvvvvvveryone was looking at me.. So really this is going to take some getting use to but I'm on get back to the day Denny weighed in at 23lbs an 76 inches long... He gained only about a pound since the last visit..I'm not surprised though because he is so active and he literally poops about 5 times a day!!! This boy must have the cleanest pipes!!

After that ordeal it was back to the waiting game...Meanwhile, we ate breakfast and then as the time drew on Denny and I just played peakaboo..( he calls it "pea-boo' cute) and snacked on his "Cheerios." A pleasant, friendly gentleman with his wife and 4month old baby, sat next to me and was so fascinated with Denny as I drilled him on his body parts to keep him busy. People kept asking Denny's age and saying how smart he was... I'm guessing they were thrilled to see him in action...It is fun to watch him learn and see the sense of accomplishment in his eyes when he does or says something. The gentleman carried on small chit -chat with me and that helped pass the time . Soon before we knew it , we were in the Doc's office. The did the routine check up stuff ask me safety questions...checking Denny's head circumference,....temperature..blah..blah and all in all he was in good shape.. Denny only got a lil fussy when it was time for the Doc to check him "Down there!" That's enough to make anybody fussy and nervous right? By the time it was over Denny was talking and smiling with the Doc and even told her"bubbye."

The defining moment arrived for Denny to get his he sat there in my lap camly..I followed the instruction the nurse gave and held his right arm taut as she injected the needle. Then she put on the bandage. It took about 3 secs for Denny to realize he got stick and as it penetrated deeper that was when he let out a wail.. My heart dropped..It is no fun watching your child in pain but I knew it was for his own good and it was quick. Denny cried for about ten secs..which was short in my book.. He is one tough cookie!! Good job Denny!!He tols the Nurse "bub-bye" and within a minute he was laughing... Such a sweetheart! If only we could all be that way..

When it was time to go, I strapped him in his stroller and we headed out.. About five minutes later..he was out of it.... That shot combined with his internal napping clock was a sure combination to get him.

When we got home.. the rest of the day ran rather smoothly. There where two highlights to my day...

1: Denny fell asleep on my stomach and it was then I realized my bittersweet moment. The sweetness was in that moment that he needed me for comfort and having him in that warm embrace made me realize that he wont be small forever. These though bring a bitter after-taste.. I wanted to get wrapped up in that moment forever. These are the moments that I live for!

2: Today I had a visit from my special friend and she spent some time with Denny and was quite a nice surprise (not sure if I should mention her name but she knows who I'm talking about) Plus, I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky was unlike any rainbow I've ever saw. When I looked up , it was as if it formed a smile back at me. I cannot remember the last time I saw a rainbow. It didn't even rain today... but seeing it was quite refreshing and it reminded me of the Lord's promise to his children.

Denny offering me a cherrio.
Denny goofing around!

Where's Denny?

There he is!!


Tasted bitter and sweet but this was a special treat!
What a great way to end a day!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sweet Sunday Stroll..

Denny at play

He found a Elmo toy!

Church was empty today!!! I haven't seen it that empty in a long time... I hope everyone is okay because I found it very odd that so many people were missing..It seemed almost like an intentional boycott...but I don't think anyone would be that crazy to do that...or would they? hmmm.....I don't want to even imagine....So in the mean time "motherhood keeps me very occupied.... the church corridors and hallways know Denison and I very well but I know even when I'm missing sacrament or other classes it is for a good cause. Today, I spent time in nursery with Denison and the other 3 tots..two twin girls and a boy. As you already know watching 4 active toddlers is a circus full of excitement. When they weren't crying, they were snatching each others toys, chasing on another or toppling on top of each other and we were on a constant patrol of soothing tears. Denny shed a little bit of tears . Overall, they were very well behaved.. no big problem at all.

When we arrived home after church we were famished. We were so tired that we took a nap and then we ate dinner. The weather outside was beautiful and Walter and I decided that we would go for a stroll around the block. Denny is a natural outdoors-man at heart and he enjoys.. no I mean loves to go outside..especially in his stroller.. you should see how he lies off like a The air was sweet and the breeze was cool against my skin and I could tell that both "my lil' man and big man" enjoyed it too. We just strolled around the neighborhood admiring nature in its beauty and had a bit of chit-chat. It was a sweet stroll... We even talked about making it a "Deal Family tradition." When the sun had set we went to my mother-in law for a visit and finishes off the day with Ice cream.. One word to sum up this day...Sweet!
Below are some highlights of our day!


Pure Joy!!!

Loved the flowers! SO PRETTY!
All smiles!!!

Walter and Dede sitting in a tree...k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love then comes marriage....
then comes the little baby sitting in the carriage..well stroller
Sunset Sweethearts ..beautiful scenery!

Daddy and Denny

My Mr. Romantic loves flowers...that's gonna be some lucky girl!

He is such a goofball....He was trying to oink like a pig...sucking in his nose!! Priceless!! This kid knows how to make ya smile!!


A day worth remembering...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Dora Cake!

Today I did a "Dora the explorer" cake for a customer at work... I'M PRETTY PROUD OF IT!!..THIS WAS MY SECOND ONE..WHAT DO YA THINK?